Hi there. I served with 24 Fld Engr Rgt RE 56 Fld Sqn at Gordon camp down at Tai La/Castle Peak area from February 1956. We were a working squad that built an irrigation damn in No Mans Land on the border for the Hong Kong Government. Whilst on-site we used the Gren Howards camp for NAAFI and joined in with the Green Howards. My reason for this blog is to see, and it is very difficult to find, any photos of that period in Hong Kong on the net, especially photos of the Queens Birthday parade in 1956. and the 1956 Double 10th riots in Tsuen Wan and Kowloon. Our mob was with the police in the Tsuen Wan area at the time Did any of you older guys serve around that period if so I would like to have a chin wag over an old sandbag with you

Sorry I have not been in touch,no take fits and had two Heamorages, ( no more about that ),
But hope to send what I have about Honk Kong.
Sorry most if not all, are in Seagents mess, sorry.
Only one with Regimental Colours,
I think dad is on it, but as I was only about 10 I don’t know.
But I did do a lot of following dad in later life.
As I had a lot to do with Museum, and searching Dads history in Regiment.
Will get back to you soon as I can.
Dad was in end A ( remember not well up on ranks ); a R.S.M. But only held rank for short time.
Seemed he was a man for drink. Ha Ha.
Will send as soon as pull round.
Hi, Bill, replied to you quite a while ago and ,yes, I have photos from that time plus Queens Birthday Parade. I was mainly at LoWu on the border and then at Stanley. Let me know how to send them, Cheers. Trev Jones.
Has any of you guys any photos of the 1956 Hong Kong riots. I was with 56 Fld Sqn RE in Tsuen Wan and over Covid (being now disabled and still confined to home) I decided to do some research on the subject. I will appreciate any photos of that time. My grateful thanks Bill
Some from Dads time in Hong Kong, but no idea area, just a child in England, me and zbrother.
but dad went out early from my research to some of regiment.will sort and put on.
Hi, yes I have pics from that period and the riots, indeed some are on the website. I was in the GH at Lo Wu and Stanley.