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1. Be Respectful. Members should post in a way that is respectful to the Regiment and other users. Flaming or abusing others in any way cannot be tolerated but good natured banter is always acceptable. Not only is it cowardly to insult someone by these means (why not phone or accost them to air your views), it could lead to an individual taking legal action.


2. Keep it Clean. Please keep it clear and no foul language. Posting pornographic or offensive text, images and links etc will not be acceptable and lead to the post being removed.


3. Do not Post Spam. This includes promotions and any type of commercial service. All such posts or links will be removed.


4. Advertising of Other Websites. is not a platform to advertise or promote your own or other websites/chat rooms/forums. If you would like us to add a link to your website, please contact us and we will consider each individual case on its own merit.


5. Do not Post Copyrighted Material. This includes the text of articles from other websites or sources. If you think that information from other sites may be useful, post a link to the source. Short extracts or phrases are acceptable, but please do remember to quote the source or acknowledge the rightful author.


6. Personal Information. For your own personal protection, please do not publish your private telephone number, home address or any other personal information on a post. If you need to pass on your contact details, or that of another, please use email.

The administrators ( Admin Team) reserve the right to edit or remove any post at Admin Team

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The generosity of our donors is vital in helping us interpret and preserve our collection for all to enjoy. We are grateful for any donation of any size.


Click Here to Donate


Friend of the GH Museum


As Secretary of the Friends of the Green Howards Regimental Museum, I'm once again on a recruitment drive.


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Advertise here  and we will link direct to your site. Contact the Web Admin for details

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